Definition of Dinner jacket

1. Noun. Semiformal evening dress for men.

Definition of Dinner jacket

1. Noun. (American English) A jacket, often white, corresponding to a tuxedo jacket. ¹

2. Noun. (British) What the US terms a tuxedo, nearly always in black. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dinner Jacket

dinner bell
dinner bucket
dinner dress
dinner gown
dinner hour
dinner jacket
dinner jackets
dinner ladies
dinner lady
dinner napkin
dinner pad
dinner pail
dinner parties
dinner party
dinner plate
dinner plates
dinner service
dinner set
dinner shirt
dinner shirts

Literary usage of Dinner jacket

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Scrap Book (1906)
"A short dinner-jacket is permissible when the wearer is with a man friend, ... With the dinner-jacket a black silk or satin bow tie, and a waistcoat ..."

2. The Theatre, the Drama, the Girls by George Jean Nathan (1921)
"One doesn't put on a dinner jacket, fasten a boutonniere to one's lapel, hail a crooked-metred taxicab and hasten to hand a man behind a grilled window ..."

3. Men's Wear. [semi-monthly] (1910)
"-Dress coats are rarely seen, the dinner jacket taking its place at the roof gardens and in the restaurants. Also, except at the most formal resorts, ..."

4. Everyman's Encyclopædia of Etiquette: What to Write, what to Do, what to by Emily Holt (1920)
"But the tailless dinner jacket, always worn with a black bow tie, is now thought quite proper for the usual informal and small dinner. ..."

5. Understanding South America by Clayton Sedgwick Cooper (1918)
"I found it the custom for every one of the official staff from the manager down, after work was over, to don a dress suit or dinner jacket preparatory for ..."

6. Annual Proceedings: Addresses, Reports, Bibliographies and Discussions (1921)
"I found it the custom for every one of the official staff from the manager down, after work was over, to don a dress suit or dinner jacket preparatory for ..."

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